
DNS Manager/helpers

  1. 2013, SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

class SoftLayer.managers.dns.DNSManager(client)[source]

DNSManager initialization.

Parameters:client (SoftLayer.API.Client) – the client instance
client = None

A valid SoftLayer.API.Client object that will be used for all actions.

create_record(zone_id, record, type, data, ttl=60)[source]

Create a resource record on a domain.

  • id (integer) – the zone’s ID
  • record – the name of the record to add
  • type – the type of record (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, SRV, TXT, etc.)
  • data – the record’s value
  • ttl (integer) – the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60)
create_zone(zone, serial=None)[source]

Create a zone for the specified zone.

  • zone – the zone name to create
  • serial – serial value on the zone (default: strftime(%Y%m%d01))

Delete a resource record by its ID.

Parameters:id (integer) – the record’s ID

Delete a zone by its ID.

Parameters:id (integer) – the zone ID to delete

Retrieve a zone dump in BIND format.

Parameters:id (integer) – The zone ID to dump

Update an existing record with the options provided. The provided dict must include an ‘id’ key and value corresponding to the record that should be updated.

Parameters:record (dict) – the record to update

Update an existing zone with the options provided. The provided dict must include an ‘id’ key and value corresponding to the zone that should be updated.

Parameters:zone (dict) – the zone to update
get_records(zone_id, ttl=None, data=None, host=None, type=None, **kwargs)[source]

List, and optionally filter, records within a zone.

  • zone – the zone name in which to search.
  • ttl (int) – optionally, time in seconds:
  • data – optionally, the records data
  • host – optionally, record’s host
  • type – optionally, the type of record:

A list of dictionaries representing the matching records within the specified zone.

get_zone(zone_id, records=True)[source]

Get a zone and its records.

Parameters:zone – the zone name
Returns:A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified zone.

Retrieve a list of all DNS zones.

Parameters:**kwargs (dict) – response-level arguments (limit, offset, etc.)
Returns:A list of dictionaries representing the matching zones.
record = None

Reference to the SoftLayer.Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord API object.


Takes a string and tries to resolve to a list of matching ids. What exactly ‘identifier’ can be depends on the resolvers

Parameters:identifier (string) – identifying string
Returns list:
resolvers = []

A list of resolver functions. Used primarily by the CLI to provide a variety of methods for uniquely identifying an object such as zone name.

service = None

Reference to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain API object.

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