Source code for SoftLayer.managers.hardware

    Hardware Manager/helpers

    :copyright: (c) 2013, SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

import socket
from SoftLayer.utils import NestedDict, query_filter, IdentifierMixin

[docs]class HardwareManager(IdentifierMixin, object): """ Manages hardware devices. :param SoftLayer.API.Client client: an API client instance """ def __init__(self, client): #: A valid `SoftLayer.API.Client` object that will be used for all #: actions. self.client = client #: Reference to the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server API object. self.hardware = self.client['Hardware_Server'] #: Reference to the SoftLayer_Account API object. self.account = self.client['Account'] #: A list of resolver functions. Used primarily by the CLI to provide #: a variety of methods for uniquely identifying an object such as #: hostname and IP address. self.resolvers = [self._get_ids_from_ip, self._get_ids_from_hostname]
[docs] def cancel_hardware(self, id, reason='unneeded', comment=''): """ Cancels the specified dedicated server. :param int id: The ID of the hardware to be cancelled. :param string reason: The reason code for the cancellation. This should come from :func:`get_cancellation_reasons`. :param string comment: An optional comment to include with the cancellation. """ reasons = self.get_cancellation_reasons() cancel_reason = reasons['unneeded'] if reason in reasons: cancel_reason = reasons[reason] # Arguments per SLDN: # attachmentId - Hardware ID # Reason # content - Comment about the cancellation # cancelAssociatedItems # attachmentType - Only option is HARDWARE ticket_obj = self.client['Ticket'] return ticket_obj.createCancelServerTicket(id, cancel_reason, comment, True, 'HARDWARE')
[docs] def cancel_metal(self, id, immediate=False): """ Cancels the specified bare metal instance. :param int id: The ID of the bare metal instance to be cancelled. :param bool immediate: If true, the bare metal instance will be cancelled immediately. Otherwise, it will be scheduled to cancel on the anniversary date. """ hw_billing = self.get_hardware(id=id, mask='mask[id,]') billing_id = hw_billing['billingItem']['id'] billing_item = self.client['Billing_Item'] if immediate: return billing_item.cancelService(id=billing_id) else: return billing_item.cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate(id=billing_id)
[docs] def list_hardware(self, tags=None, cpus=None, memory=None, hostname=None, domain=None, datacenter=None, nic_speed=None, public_ip=None, private_ip=None, **kwargs): """ List all hardware (servers and bare metal computing instances). :param list tags: filter based on tags :param integer cpus: filter based on number of CPUS :param integer memory: filter based on amount of memory in gigabytes :param string hostname: filter based on hostname :param string domain: filter based on domain :param string datacenter: filter based on datacenter :param integer nic_speed: filter based on network speed (in MBPS) :param string public_ip: filter based on public ip address :param string private_ip: filter based on private ip address :param dict \*\*kwargs: response-level arguments (limit, offset, etc.) :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching hardware. This list will contain both dedicated servers and bare metal computing instances """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: hw_items = set([ 'id', 'hostname', 'domain', 'hardwareStatusId', 'globalIdentifier', 'fullyQualifiedDomainName', 'processorPhysicalCoreAmount', 'memoryCapacity', 'primaryBackendIpAddress', 'primaryIpAddress', 'datacenter', ]) server_items = set([ 'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]]', ]) kwargs['mask'] = '[mask[%s],' \ ' mask(SoftLayer_Hardware_Server)[%s]]' % \ (','.join(hw_items), ','.join(server_items)) _filter = NestedDict(kwargs.get('filter') or {}) if tags: _filter['hardware']['tagReferences']['tag']['name'] = { 'operation': 'in', 'options': [{'name': 'data', 'value': tags}], } if cpus: _filter['hardware']['processorPhysicalCoreAmount'] = \ query_filter(cpus) if memory: _filter['hardware']['memoryCapacity'] = query_filter(memory) if hostname: _filter['hardware']['hostname'] = query_filter(hostname) if domain: _filter['hardware']['domain'] = query_filter(domain) if datacenter: _filter['hardware']['datacenter']['name'] = \ query_filter(datacenter) if nic_speed: _filter['hardware']['networkComponents']['maxSpeed'] = \ query_filter(nic_speed) if public_ip: _filter['hardware']['primaryIpAddress'] = \ query_filter(public_ip) if private_ip: _filter['hardware']['primaryBackendIpAddress'] = \ query_filter(private_ip) kwargs['filter'] = _filter.to_dict() return self.account.getHardware(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_bare_metal_create_options(self): """ Retrieves the available options for creating a bare metal server. :returns: A dictionary of creation options. The categories to order are contained within the 'categories' key. See :func:`_parse_package_data` for detailed information. .. note:: The information for ordering bare metal instances comes from multiple API calls. In order to make the process easier, this function will make those calls and reformat the results into a dictionary that's easier to manage. It's recommended that you cache these results with a reasonable lifetime for performance reasons. """ hw_id = self._get_bare_metal_package_id() if not hw_id: return None return self._parse_package_data(hw_id)
[docs] def get_available_dedicated_server_packages(self): """ Retrieves a list of packages that are available for ordering dedicated servers. :returns: A list of tuples of available dedicated server packages in the form (id, name, description) """ # Note - This currently returns a hard coded list until the API is # updated to allow filtering on packages to just those for ordering # servers. package_ids = [13, 15, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 126, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 158] package_obj = self.client['Product_Package'] packages = [] for package_id in package_ids: package = package_obj.getObject(id=package_id, mask='mask[id, name, description]') if (package.get('name')): packages.append((package['id'], package['name'], package['description'])) return packages
[docs] def get_dedicated_server_create_options(self, package_id): """ Retrieves the available options for creating a dedicated server in a specific chassis (based on package ID). :param int package_id: The package ID to retrieve the creation options for. This should come from :func:`get_available_dedicated_server_packages`. :returns: A dictionary of creation options. The categories to order are contained within the 'categories' key. See :func:`_parse_package_data` for detailed information. .. note:: The information for ordering dedicated servers comes from multiple API calls. In order to make the process simpler, this function will make those calls and reformat the results into a dictionary that's easier to manage. It's recommended that you cache these results with a reasonable lifetime for performance reasons. """ return self._parse_package_data(package_id)
[docs] def get_hardware(self, id, **kwargs): """ Get details about a hardware device :param integer id: the hardware ID :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified server. """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = set([ 'id', 'globalIdentifier', 'fullyQualifiedDomainName', 'hostname', 'domain', 'provisionDate', 'hardwareStatus', 'processorPhysicalCoreAmount', 'memoryCapacity', 'notes', 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag', 'primaryBackendIpAddress', 'primaryIpAddress', 'userData', 'datacenter', 'networkComponents[id, status, speed, maxSpeed, name,' 'ipmiMacAddress, ipmiIpAddress, macAddress, primaryIpAddress,' 'port, primarySubnet]', 'networkComponents.primarySubnet[id, netmask,' 'broadcastAddress, networkIdentifier, gateway]', 'hardwareChassis[id,name]', 'activeTransaction[id, transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]]', 'operatingSystem.softwareLicense.' 'softwareDescription[manufacturer,name,version,referenceCode]', 'operatingSystem.passwords[username,password]', 'billingItem.recurringFee', 'hourlyBillingFlag', 'tagReferences[id,tag[name,id]]', 'networkVlans[id,vlanNumber,networkSpace]', ]) kwargs['mask'] = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(items) return self.hardware.getObject(id=id, **kwargs)
[docs] def reload(self, id, post_uri=None, ssh_keys=None): """ Perform an OS reload of a server with its current configuration. :param integer id: the instance ID to reload :param string post_url: The URI of the post-install script to run after reload :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user """ payload = { 'token': 'FORCE', 'config': {}, } if post_uri: payload['config']['customProvisionScriptUri'] = post_uri if ssh_keys: payload['config']['sshKeyIds'] = [key_id for key_id in ssh_keys] return self.hardware.reloadOperatingSystem('FORCE', payload['config'], id=id)
[docs] def change_port_speed(self, id, public, speed): """ Allows you to change the port speed of a server's NICs. :param int id: The ID of the server :param bool public: Flag to indicate which interface to change. True (default) means the public interface. False indicates the private interface. :param int speed: The port speed to set. """ if public: func = self.hardware.setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed else: func = self.hardware.setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed return func(speed, id=id)
[docs] def place_order(self, **kwargs): """ Places an order for a piece of hardware. See :func:`_generate_create_dict` for a list of available options. .. warning:: Due to how the ordering structure currently works, all ordering takes place using price IDs rather than quantities. See the following sample for an example of using HardwareManager functions for ordering a basic server. :: # client is assumed to be an initialized SoftLayer.API.Client object mgr = HardwareManager(client) # Package ID 32 corresponds to the 'Quad Processor, Quad Core Intel' # package. This information can be obtained from the # :func:`get_available_dedicated_server_packages` function. options = mgr.get_dedicated_server_create_options(32) # Review the contents of options to find the information that # applies to your order. For the sake of this example, we assume # that your selections are a series of item IDs for each category # organized into a key-value dictionary. # This contains selections for all required categories selections = { 'server': 542, # Quad Processor Quad Core Intel 7310 - 1.60GHz 'pri_ip_addresses': 15, # 1 IP Address 'notification': 51, # Email and Ticket 'ram': 280, # 16 GB FB-DIMM Registered 533/667 'bandwidth': 173, # 5000 GB Bandwidth 'lockbox': 45, # 1 GB Lockbox 'monitoring': 49, # Host Ping 'disk0': 14, # 500GB SATA II (for the first disk) 'response': 52, # Automated Notification 'port_speed': 187, # 100 Mbps Public & Private Networks 'power_supply': 469, # Redundant Power Supplies 'disk_controller': 487, # Non-RAID 'vulnerability_scanner': 307, # Nessus 'vpn_management': 309, # Unlimited SSL VPN Users 'remote_management': 504, # Reboot / KVM over IP 'os': 4166, # Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin (64 bit) } args = { 'location': 'FIRST_AVAILABLE', # Pick the first available DC 'disks': [], } for cat, item_id in selections: for item in options['categories'][cat]['items'].items(): if item['id'] == item_id: if 'disk' not in cat or 'disk_controller' == cat: args[cat] = item['price_id'] else: args['disks'].append(item['price_id']) # You can call :func:`verify_order` here to test the order instead # of actually placing it if you prefer. result = mgr.place_order(**args) """ create_options = self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) return self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(create_options)
[docs] def verify_order(self, **kwargs): """ Verifies an order for a piece of hardware without actually placing it. See :func:`_generate_create_dict` for a list of available options. """ create_options = self._generate_create_dict(**kwargs) return self.client['Product_Order'].verifyOrder(create_options)
[docs] def get_cancellation_reasons(self): """ Returns a dictionary of valid cancellation reasons that can be used when cancelling a dedicated server via :func:`cancel_hardware`. """ return { 'unneeded': 'No longer needed', 'closing': 'Business closing down', 'cost': 'Server / Upgrade Costs', 'migrate_larger': 'Migrating to larger server', 'migrate_smaller': 'Migrating to smaller server', 'datacenter': 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter', 'performance': 'Network performance / latency', 'support': 'Support response / timing', 'sales': 'Sales process / upgrades', 'moving': 'Moving to competitor', }
def _generate_create_dict( self, server=None, hostname=None, domain=None, hourly=False, location=None, os=None, disks=None, port_speed=None, bare_metal=None, ram=None, package_id=None, disk_controller=None, ssh_keys=None, public_vlan=None, private_vlan=None): """ Translates a list of arguments into a dictionary necessary for creating a server. .. warning:: All items here must be price IDs, NOT quantities! :param int server: The identification string for the server to order. This will either be the CPU/Memory combination ID for bare metal instances or the CPU model for dedicated servers. :param string hostname: The hostname to use for the new server. :param string domain: The domain to use for the new server. :param bool hourly: Flag to indicate if this server should be billed hourly (default) or monthly. Only applies to bare metal instances. :param string location: The location string (data center) for the server :param int os: The operating system to use :param array disks: An array of disks for the server. Disks will be added in the order specified. :param int port_speed: The port speed for the server. :param bool bare_metal: Flag to indicate if this is a bare metal server or a dedicated server (default). :param int ram: The amount of RAM to order. Only applies to dedicated servers. :param int package_id: The package_id to use for the server. This should either be a chassis ID for dedicated servers or the bare metal instance package ID, which can be obtained by calling _get_bare_metal_package_id :param int disk_controller: The disk controller to use. :param list ssh_keys: The SSH keys to add to the root user :param int public_vlan: The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this server placed. :param int private_vlan: The ID of the public VLAN on which you want this server placed. """ arguments = ['server', 'hostname', 'domain', 'location', 'os', 'disks', 'port_speed', 'bare_metal', 'ram', 'package_id', 'disk_controller', 'server_core', 'disk0'] hardware = { 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': bare_metal, 'hostname': hostname, 'domain': domain, } if public_vlan: hardware['primaryNetworkComponent'] = { "networkVlan": {"id": int(public_vlan)}} if private_vlan: hardware['primaryBackendNetworkComponent'] = { "networkVlan": {"id": int(private_vlan)}} order = { 'hardware': [hardware], 'location': location, 'prices': [ ], } if ssh_keys: order['sshKeys'] = [{'sshKeyIds': ssh_keys}] if bare_metal: order['packageId'] = self._get_bare_metal_package_id() order['prices'].append({'id': int(server)}) p_options = self.get_bare_metal_create_options() if hourly: order['hourlyBillingFlag'] = True else: order['packageId'] = package_id order['prices'].append({'id': int(server)}) p_options = self.get_dedicated_server_create_options(package_id) if disks: for disk in disks: order['prices'].append({'id': int(disk)}) if os: order['prices'].append({'id': int(os)}) if port_speed: order['prices'].append({'id': int(port_speed)}) if ram: order['prices'].append({'id': int(ram)}) if disk_controller: order['prices'].append({'id': int(disk_controller)}) # Find all remaining required categories so we can auto-default them required_fields = [] for category, data in p_options['categories'].iteritems(): if data.get('is_required') and category not in arguments: if 'disk' in category: # This block makes sure that we can default unspecified # disks if the user hasn't specified enough. disk_count = int(category.replace('disk', '')) if len(disks) >= disk_count + 1: continue required_fields.append(category) for category in required_fields: price = get_default_value(p_options, category) order['prices'].append({'id': price}) return order def _get_bare_metal_package_id(self): packages = self.client['Product_Package'].getAllObjects( mask='mask[id, name]', filter={'name': query_filter('Bare Metal Instance')}) hw_id = 0 for package in packages: if 'Bare Metal Instance' == package['name']: hw_id = package['id'] break return hw_id def _get_ids_from_hostname(self, hostname): results = self.list_hardware(hostname=hostname, mask="id") return [result['id'] for result in results] def _get_ids_from_ip(self, ip): try: # Does it look like an ip address? socket.inet_aton(ip) except socket.error: return [] # Find the server via ip address. First try public ip, then private results = self.list_hardware(public_ip=ip, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results] results = self.list_hardware(private_ip=ip, mask="id") if results: return [result['id'] for result in results] def _parse_package_data(self, package_id): """ Parses data from the specified package into a consistent dictionary. The data returned by the API varies significantly from one package to another, which means that consuming it can make your program more complicated than desired. This function will make all necessary API calls for the specified package ID and build the results into a consistently formatted dictionary like so: result = { 'locations': [{'delivery_information': <string>, 'keyname': <string>, 'long_name': <string>}], 'categories': { 'category_code': { 'sort': <int>, 'step': <int>, 'is_required': <bool>, 'name': <string>, 'group': <string>, 'items': [ { 'id': <int>, 'description': <string>, 'sort': <int>, 'price_id': <int>, 'recurring_fee': <float>, 'setup_fee': <float>, 'hourly_recurring_fee': <float>, 'one_time_fee': <float>, 'labor_fee': <float>, 'capacity': <float>, } ] } } } Your code can rely upon each of those elements always being present. Each list will contain at least one entry as well, though most will contain more than one. """ package = self.client['Product_Package'] results = { 'categories': {}, 'locations': [] } # First pull the list of available locations. We do it with the # getObject() call so that we get access to the delivery time info. object_data = package.getRegions(id=package_id) for loc in object_data: details = loc['location']['locationPackageDetails'][0] results['locations'].append({ 'delivery_information': details.get('deliveryTimeInformation'), 'keyname': loc['keyname'], 'long_name': loc['description'], }) mask = 'mask[itemCategory[group]]' for config in package.getConfiguration(id=package_id, mask=mask): code = config['itemCategory']['categoryCode'] group = NestedDict(config['itemCategory']) or {} category = { 'sort': config['sort'], 'step': config['orderStepId'], 'is_required': config['isRequired'], 'name': config['itemCategory']['name'], 'group': group['group']['name'], 'items': [], } results['categories'][code] = category # Now pull in the available package item for category in package.getCategories(id=package_id): code = category['categoryCode'] items = [] for group in category['groups']: for price in group['prices']: items.append({ 'id': price['itemId'], 'description': price['item']['description'], 'sort': price['sort'], 'price_id': price['id'], 'recurring_fee': price.get('recurringFee', 0), 'setup_fee': price.get('setupFee', 0), 'hourly_recurring_fee': price.get('hourlyRecurringFee', 0), 'one_time_fee': price.get('oneTimeFee', 0), 'labor_fee': price.get('laborFee', 0), 'capacity': float(price['item'].get('capacity', 0)), }) results['categories'][code]['items'] = items return results
[docs] def edit(self, id, userdata=None, hostname=None, domain=None, notes=None): """ Edit hostname, domain name, notes, and/or the user data of the hardware Parameters set to None will be ignored and not attempted to be updated. :param integer id: the instance ID to edit :param string userdata: user data on the hardware to edit. If none exist it will be created :param string hostname: valid hostname :param string domain: valid domain namem :param string notes: notes about this particular hardware """ obj = {} if userdata: self.hardware.setUserMetadata([userdata], id=id) if hostname: obj['hostname'] = hostname if domain: obj['domain'] = domain if notes: obj['notes'] = notes if not obj: return True return self.hardware.editObject(obj, id=id)
[docs]def get_default_value(package_options, category): """ Returns the default price ID for the specified category. This determination is made by parsing the items in the package_options argument and finding the first item that has zero specified for every fee field. .. note:: If the category has multiple items with no fee, this will return the first it finds and then short circuit. This may not match the default value presented on the SoftLayer ordering portal. Additionally, this method will return None if there are no free items in the category. :returns: Returns the price ID of the first free item it finds or None if there are no free items. """ if category not in package_options['categories']: return for item in package_options['categories'][category]['items']: if not any([ float(item.get('setupFee', 0)), float(item.get('recurringFee', 0)), float(item.get('hourlyRecurringFee', 0)), float(item.get('oneTimeFee', 0)), float(item.get('laborFee', 0)), ]): return item['price_id']

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