Source code for SoftLayer.managers.dns

    DNS Manager/helpers

    :copyright: (c) 2013, SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
from time import strftime

from SoftLayer.exceptions import DNSZoneNotFound
from SoftLayer.utils import NestedDict, query_filter, IdentifierMixin


[docs]class DNSManager(IdentifierMixin, object): """ DNSManager initialization. :param SoftLayer.API.Client client: the client instance """ def __init__(self, client): #: A valid `SoftLayer.API.Client` object that will be used for all #: actions. self.client = client #: Reference to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain API object. self.service = self.client['Dns_Domain'] #: Reference to the SoftLayer.Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord #: API object. self.record = self.client['Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord'] #: A list of resolver functions. Used primarily by the CLI to provide #: a variety of methods for uniquely identifying an object such as zone #: name. self.resolvers = [self._get_zone_id_from_name] def _get_zone_id_from_name(self, name): results = self.client['Account'].getDomains( filter={"domains": {"name": query_filter(name)}}) return [x['id'] for x in results]
[docs] def list_zones(self, **kwargs): """ Retrieve a list of all DNS zones. :param dict \*\*kwargs: response-level arguments (limit, offset, etc.) :returns: A list of dictionaries representing the matching zones. """ return self.client['Account'].getDomains(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id, records=True): """ Get a zone and its records. :param zone: the zone name :returns: A dictionary containing a large amount of information about the specified zone. """ mask = None if records: mask = 'resourceRecords' return self.service.getObject(id=zone_id, mask=mask)
[docs] def create_zone(self, zone, serial=None): """ Create a zone for the specified zone. :param zone: the zone name to create :param serial: serial value on the zone (default: strftime(%Y%m%d01)) """ return self.service.createObject({ 'name': zone, 'serial': serial or strftime('%Y%m%d01'), "resourceRecords": {}})
[docs] def delete_zone(self, id): """ Delete a zone by its ID. :param integer id: the zone ID to delete """ return self.service.deleteObject(id=id)
[docs] def edit_zone(self, zone): """ Update an existing zone with the options provided. The provided dict must include an 'id' key and value corresponding to the zone that should be updated. :param dict zone: the zone to update """ self.service.editObject(zone)
[docs] def create_record(self, zone_id, record, type, data, ttl=60): """ Create a resource record on a domain. :param integer id: the zone's ID :param record: the name of the record to add :param type: the type of record (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, SRV, TXT, etc.) :param data: the record's value :param integer ttl: the TTL or time-to-live value (default: 60) """ self.record.createObject({ 'domainId': zone_id, 'ttl': ttl, 'host': record, 'type': type, 'data': data})
[docs] def delete_record(self, record_id): """ Delete a resource record by its ID. :param integer id: the record's ID """ self.record.deleteObject(id=record_id)
[docs] def get_records(self, zone_id, ttl=None, data=None, host=None, type=None, **kwargs): """ List, and optionally filter, records within a zone. :param zone: the zone name in which to search. :param int ttl: optionally, time in seconds: :param data: optionally, the records data :param host: optionally, record's host :param type: optionally, the type of record: :returns: A list of dictionaries representing the matching records within the specified zone. """ _filter = NestedDict() if ttl: _filter['resourceRecords']['ttl'] = query_filter(ttl) if host: _filter['resourceRecords']['host'] = query_filter(host) if data: _filter['resourceRecords']['data'] = query_filter(data) if type: _filter['resourceRecords']['type'] = query_filter(type.lower()) results = self.service.getResourceRecords( id=zone_id, mask='id,expire,domainId,host,minimum,refresh,retry,' 'mxPriority,ttl,type,data,responsiblePerson', filter=_filter.to_dict(), ) return results
[docs] def edit_record(self, record): """ Update an existing record with the options provided. The provided dict must include an 'id' key and value corresponding to the record that should be updated. :param dict record: the record to update """ self.record.editObject(record, id=record['id'])
[docs] def dump_zone(self, zone_id): """ Retrieve a zone dump in BIND format. :param integer id: The zone ID to dump """ return self.service.getZoneFileContents(id=zone_id)

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